Reduce the black and dry appearance of elbows with home remedies

Do you take care of your skin regularly but feel upset when you look at your elbows? You are not alone, many girls cannot wear sleeveless dresses even if they want to. The reason for this is the awkward black patches on the elbows and excessive dryness. Since the skin on the elbow area is thicker than the skin on the rest of the body, thin moisturizers do not work as well in this area. As a result, the elbows become dry very quickly and because melanin is produced more in this area, there is more blackness. So if you want to reduce the blackness and dryness of elbows and normalize them, you have to take special care.

No need for expensive moisturizers! Instead, let’s turn our eyes to your kitchen. There are some ingredients that can easily reduce the dark spots on your elbows and gradually normalize the skin tone, and keep it soft! Just need a little regular care and patience! That’s all you can give for chubby soft hands, right? If so, see how to reduce the black spots and dry skin to make the elbow soft!

Many people know that lemon juice has a bleaching effect! Now rely on Patilebu to remove the awkward black spots on the elbows. Cut a large lemon in half. Squeeze the juice well and keep it in another container so that the lemon slices look like a small cup. Now take one piece and rub it very well on the elbow. If you want, you can also apply a little sugar, it will also exfoliate the elbow area. When done, shake off the lemon peel that sticks to the elbow, then wait for half an hour. After half an hour, wash with lukewarm water and apply thick moisturizer. If done daily, the blackness of the elbows will begin to fade within a few weeks.

lemon Juice

Milk’s lactic acid reduces skin pigmentation and baking soda helps remove accumulated dead cells. Make a thick paste by mixing milk with baking soda in quantity. Apply this paste on both elbows and massage in circular motion for three minutes. Gradually the blackness will reduce, milk fat will also reduce the dryness of the elbows.

Milk and Baking             Soda

Don’t have too many ingredients on hand? Even a few pieces of cucumber will go away. Cut two pieces of a cucumber a little thick and keep rubbing them with your elbow for ten minutes. Then leave it for five minutes and wash it off with cold water. You can also apply lemon juice mixed with cucumber juice, in that case both juices should be taken in equal quantity. Apply this mixture daily, the difference will be visible very soon.

Cucumber Juice

If your complexion is dark, then the color of the elbow area should naturally be much darker. If so, you can try using milk and turmeric. Like lemon, turmeric is also a bleaching agent and can reduce melanin in the skin. Take quite a bit of milk and make a paste with half a spoonful of turmeric in it. It is best if you can take raw turmeric powder, otherwise you can also take good quality powdered turmeric in packets. On the other hand curd can be taken instead of curd. Rub this paste all over the elbows in a circular motion, then leave it for 15 minutes and wash it off with water.

Milk and Turmeric

If you don’t have olive oil, you can also use coconut oil. Make a paste by mixing equal amounts of sugar and olive oil (or coconut oil). Apply on the elbow and massage in a circular motion for five minutes. Then leave it for another five minutes and wash it off. If you do it regularly two days a week, you will get benefits.

Sugar and Olive Oil

Applying the pack is not enough, some other important points should be kept in mind to get rid of elbow blackness and normalize the skin color.

Elbows also look black if they become excessively dry. So don’t forget to apply a good moisturizer every time after washing off the pack and after bathing! Before going to sleep at night, apply a thick cream on the elbows. Petroleum jelly, coconut oil, cocoa or shea butter are great moisturizers.


Apply Moisturizer

Those who are comfortable wearing sleeveless or half-sleeve clothing in summer must apply sunscreen to their entire hands and elbows. Sunscreen must be applied even indoors!

Sunscreen is Not        Excluded

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